Boobs And Books » Intelligence
Scientists Are Not Human
“Most scientists today subscribe to a mechanistic view of the mind. We’re the way we are because our brains are wired up in the way that they are…But we scientists are inconsistent. If we were consistent, our response to a misbehaving person like a child murderer should be something like, ‘This unit has a faulty component, it needs repairing.'” That’s not what we say. What we say is, ‘vile monster, prison is … Read entire article »
Filed under: God, Intelligence, Love, Relationships, Religion
What Kind of Smart Person Are You?
Labels can be a way of limiting ourselves to a category, but they can also be introspective. Remember that the labels we’ll look at aren’t discrete categories, but rather general areas of focus. Most smart people belong to some extent in all categories, but specialize in one or the other.
Scholars focus on research.
Academics do research as well, but balance their time with teaching.
Intellectuals step outside their area of expertise to find integrated … Read entire article »
Filed under: Intelligence
How To Deal With Stupid People
Stupid people have an amazing talent to induce nerd rage in smart people. How do we deal with them? Perhaps we can deal with them by dealing with ourselves.
What is Nerd Rage?
While most definitions of nerd rage include the image of a German kid yelling at his computer, there is a more general rage that builds inside smart people when they deal with stupid people.
Do You Nerd Rage?
Do you feel like punching … Read entire article »
Filed under: Education, Intelligence